5 Common Mistakes New Consultants Make And How to Avoid Them

5 Common Mistakes New Consultants Make And How to Avoid Them - "Oops!" spelled out in large block letters

Remote work has steadily been picking up traction over the past decade, but it reached a whole new level in 2020. Many companies were forced to lay off full-time employees and instead began relying on freelancers and independent consultants. If you’re thinking about starting your…


6 Financial Best Practices for New Consultants

6 Financial Best Practices for New Consultants: Calculator, spreadsheet, and pen

This general information is not legal, financial, or tax advice and is being provided for educational purposes only. You should talk to a licensed accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor to see what’s right for you. When you thought about starting your consulting business, there were…


Work and Wellness: How We Can Stay Healthy Together

We designated the month of September “Wellness Month” at Business Talent Group (BTG). One of the driving reasons for my joining BTG just about a year ago was the organization’s core values, which underpin our company culture. With wellbeing a top priority in our company,…


How to Handle a Tough Conversation With a Client

How to Have a Tough Conversation with a Client: Illustration of two speech bubbles, one with an exclamation point and one with a question mark

No matter what type of consulting business you run, you will eventually have to face difficult client conversations. Even if you rarely make mistakes and deliver top-notch customer service, problems will occasionally arise in client relationships. A client might get upset because they aren’t happy…


How to Start a Career in Independent Consulting

How to Start a Career as an Independent Consultant: Cracked door with light shining through

With the right tools and resources, starting your consulting practice can be a lucrative and rewarding experience. Let’s look at six steps you can take to start a career in independent consulting. 1. Choose Your Niche The easiest way to stand out from other consultants…