The Benefits of Joining a Professional Association

As an experienced professional, you’re likely aware of the immense value that networking and continuous learning can bring to your career. But even with extensive experience and established expertise, joining a professional organization can provide numerous benefits once you’ve embarked on your independent career. As…


Organizational Software for Remote Workers

In today’s fast-paced, always-on work environment, getting and staying organized is crucial to setting up and maintaining your success as an independent contractor. Unlike a traditional employee, operating as an independent contractor means being responsible for all facets of your business management, from billing and…


How to Solve Tech Challenges as an Independent Consultant

As an independent consultant working remotely, you already know the important role technology plays within the day-to-day operations of your business. From helping you manage client communications and streamline repetitive tasks, to supporting your deliverable development across multiple projects, having the right tools and software…


The Top 4 Reasons Consultants Go Independent

The rise of the gig economy has brought about a shift in the way people work, as many U.S. professionals are opting to pursue independent consulting opportunities versus following the more traditional career path. According to the April 4, 2023 release of the latest Job…


5 Steps to Help You Set Up Your Independent Consultancy

This post is for informational purposes only and is not legal or financial advice. You should always consult a qualified attorney, accountant, and/or tax advisor before making these kinds of business decisions. Being an independent business consultant means being your own boss, selecting the projects…


How to Prepare Your Family for Your Independent Career

You’ve done your homework on how to start a career in independent consulting, outweighed the pros and cons for your career change, and feel ready to make the leap from full-time employment to striking out on your own—but does your family feel as prepared as…


7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Becoming an Independent Consultant

Are you currently considering making a career transition from full-time employee to independent consultant? If so, you’re not alone. MBO Partners’ 2022 State of Independence report found that the total number of independent professionals in the U.S. grew to 64.6 million independent workers in 2022—a…


The Rise of Independent Talent in the U.K. and EU

The independent workforce in the U.K and EU is growing quickly and becoming stronger than ever with high-end talent flocking to fluid work with the desire for autonomy, flexibility, and control. We’ve seen those reasons and more reflected in the responses to our annual Talent…


Microcredentials and Certifications for Independent Talent

One of the most effective ways to make yourself stand out is by adorning your social and talent platform profiles with certifications and skills badges. If you’re looking to round out your resume and showcase your latest skills, upskilling with microcredentials—certifications that recognize the completion…