How to maintain high levels of productivity in 2023

How to maintain high levels of productivity in 2022 - graphic of a man stretching at his desk after completing a task

There are a lot of tried-and-true tactics for increasing your productivity, but just like our working lives are constantly evolving, so too are the ways in which we get the most out of our day. Productivity may look different depending on the circumstances of your…


Digital Overload for Consultants: 5 Tips to Help You Cope

Digital Overload For Consultants 5 Tips To Help You Cope - Woman working after hours at her computer

Technology is an integral part of our lives, especially if you’re self-employed. As a consultant, your smartphone and laptop make it possible for you to find new clients and work with them remotely. But along with the many positive benefits of technology, it also brings…


Wellness Ideas and Resources for Remote Workers

In today’s world of remote work, pandemic-related stress, and economic fluctuation, mental and physical health all too often take a backseat to more seemingly urgent matters. Earlier this year, a CDC study showed that the percentage of adults with recent symptoms of anxiety and depression…


Is TikTok a Good Fit for Independent Talent?

If you’ve spent any time online, you probably know that TikTok steamrolled into the social game with high levels of success. You may even be tired of hearing about TikTok if you haven’t given it a try yourself. What started as, a platform predominantly…


10 Tips For Virtual Presentations And Public Speaking

10 Tips For Virtual Presentations And Public Speaking - person presenting via digital platform

Mention public speaking and most people will tell you how much it terrifies them. In fact, the fear is so real, there’s an actual term for it—glossophobia! Yet, good public speaking skills are often considered an essential skill for independent consultants. Speaking opportunities are a…


Virtual Networking: How to Stay Connected in a Remote Work World

Virtual Networking How To Stay Connected In A Remote Work World - Wooden blocks with chat icons connected by string

Does virtual networking feel awkward to you? Does the thought of asking strangers for a favor make you cringe a little bit? You’re not alone! According to research, “Unlike personal networking in pursuit of emotional support or friendship… instrumental networking in pursuit of professional goals…


18 Video Interview Tips to Ace Your Next Client Call

18 Video Interview Tips to Ace Your Next Client Call - Icons illustrating steps in video interview process

Video interviews are a crucial part of an independent professional’s career. Once you’ve worked to identify clients in need of your services, it’s time to begin interviewing so you can start building your project pipeline. However, client interviews can be nerve-wracking—even for the most confident…


Collaborating Effectively: How to Get Buy-In from Key Stakeholders

Collaborating Effectively - How to Get Buy-In from Key Stakeholders - Smiling man sitting at computer

Securing buy-in from key stakeholders is an art—and critical to ensuring a project’s success. Getting leaders with competing agendas and other consultants with conflicting schedules on the same page can be tricky. Pair those challenges with navigating an organization that’s already facing significant change and…